Qwanteos is committed to education
in disadvantaged neighborhoods


At the bottom of an inextricable maze of alleys, in the most disadvantaged neighborhood of Antananarivo, where countless smiles politely mask the reality of an extreme poverty, hides an oasis of kindness and education. For more than 10 years, the associative school « l’île aux enfants » has existed thanks to the lucid abnegation of a friend: Eric Hanrion and his team of teachers.

About 300 children divided into 16 classes, from kindergarten to primary school, benefit from quality education and nutrition in exchange of €0.2 per month and the commitment of their parents for some maintenance work of the school.

A school that has nothing to envy to the favored establishments of the city. In the beautifully decorated classrooms there is a peaceful and studious atmosphere. The awakening and the joy of living of the children testifies to their well-being in this school which practices a traditional education but also the learning of computers, the practice of sport, awareness of ecology and even cooking!

We support this great project. I hope my post will inspire some of you to do the same.